Exclusive – 'Corruption Chronicles': Obama's Crony Capitalism

Exclusive – 'Corruption Chronicles': Obama's Crony Capitalism

“Crony Capitalism” (or Crony Socialism) has become a popular buzz-phrase to describe our Bailout Nation and the scandalous loans made to companies like Solyndra. The takeover of the mortgage markets, TARP, nationalizing American auto companies, and the stimulus green energy rackets are but a few examples of the Crony Capitalism epidemic.

Read this exclusive excerpt about this issue from The New York Times best-seller “The Corruption Chronicles: Obama’s Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government,” by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:

“Judicial Watch has always been at the top of our “go to” list when I want to talk about waste and corruption in government. JW serves the American public in a way you could only hope that our elected officials would.” –Lars Larson, nationally syndicated radio host of The Lars Larson Show. Order your copy today.


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