'Duck Dynasty' Patriarch Nixes Senate Run Plan

'Duck Dynasty' Patriarch Nixes Senate Run Plan

Viewers of the A&E series Duck Dynasty showed their affection for Phil Robertson after the reality show star was suspended for comments taken as anti-gay.

Fans flooded social media with outrage, signed petitions demanding Robertson’s reinstatement and forced A&E to end the suspension in less than two weeks.

That kind of appeal could certainly help Robertson embark on a political career, particularly when The Hill.com reported a poll which said he was more popular than sitting LA. Senator Mary Landrieu.

For now, the Duck Dynasty patriarch prefers to stay out of politics.

… his son, Al Robertson, told The Hill in an email that the elder Robertson will focus his attention on religious, rather than political, pursuits….

“He is interested in helping the electorate know more about the gospel of Christ, so they, in turn, can elect more godly men and women to serve and lead our great country.


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