Friday Morning Crib Sheet: Remembering Andrew, the Obama Tapes

– You say that Matt Taibbi’s Wikipedia page was “vandalized.” I say that it was corrected.

– The New Media Champion.

– Remembering an icon:

– A South Portland reporter is fired for plagiarism.

A reporter for a weekly newspaper was fired last week after competing newspapers discovered he had plagiarized their work.

Editors from The Forecaster and the Current, weeklies that also cover the city, contacted the South Portland-Cape Elizabeth Sentry after discovering text from their stories published Feb. 17 also appeared in articles written by Michael J. Tobin in the Sentry’s Feb. 24 edition.

And the mainstream media is worried about the unwashed masses of “unchecked” citizen journalists?

– “I’m going to do an Andrew Breitbart and ask you if CNN has rethought its tactics on the issue.”

– You’re damn right the Obama tapes will be published.


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