
Hillary: Rush Comments a 'Verbal Assault'

Today, Hillary Clinton told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell in a pre-taped interview that Rush Limbaugh’s comments about Sandra Fluke constituted a “verbal assault.” She continued: We, as a nation, have every right — and in fact I welcome it — to

Hillary: Rush Comments a 'Verbal Assault'

What Newspapers Does Politico Read?

In previewing tomorrow’s morning-show matchup, Politico’s Dylan Byers and Mackenzie Weinger report that Gov. Sarah Palin told CBS’ Katie Couric in 2008: “I can see Russia from my house.” (Screen grab above, quote below.) The 2008 [Couric] interview also saw

What Newspapers Does Politico Read?

Media Matters Hearts the Martin Mob

As it did with the Occupy Wall Street movement, Media Matters for America is throwing its support behind another ill-conceived and ill-fated radical movement: namely, the attempt to politicize the death of victim Trayvon Martin. Media Matters has amplified left-wing

Media Matters Hearts the Martin Mob

Olbermann: The Cabbies Talked To Me!

Keith Olbermann, the eponymous host of “Countdown” on Current TV, has been fired. This is Olbermann’s second firing in the 14 months; he was fired by MSNBC in January of 2011. What kind of person does one have to be

Olbermann: The Cabbies Talked To Me!

ABC Unmasked: Enhanced Video Shows Zimmerman Head Gash

Today, ABC has made an astounding about-face on a story related to theTrayvon Martin shooting. Less than a week after proclaiming that new videoshowed no signs of injury to Zimmerman the night of the shooting, ABC hasnow released an enhanced

ABC Unmasked: Enhanced Video Shows Zimmerman Head Gash

Lauer to Palin: You Reading Newspapers Yet?

NBC’s Matt Lauer pulled out his patronizing face today to attack Sarah Palin, who will be co-hosting “The Today Show” tomorrow. By phone, he asked Palin, “What are you doing to prepare? Are you reading some newspapers?” The remark was

Lauer to Palin: You Reading Newspapers Yet?