Iran Worried About Low Population Growth

Iran Worried About Low Population Growth

Iran’s government has seen the future, and it doesn’t like the way its population’s growth is dwindling down to nothing.  As a result, it is jettisoning its birth control program. Iranian Health Minister Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi said, “The budget for the population control program has been fully eliminated and such a project no longer exists in the health ministry. The policy of population control does not exist as it did previously.”

Figures show that Iran’s Annual Population Growth Rate (APGR) is down to 1.1% because of a policy of birth control that was instituted 20 years ago. The program cost Iran $15 billion, and was comprised of vasectomies, health ministry-issued contraceptives, and statutory family planning counseling for newlyweds.

Iran has a population of over 75 million, more than double the populations of both Iraq and Afghanistan, and is surely worried that its population would be menaced by a neighboring state with a higher growth rate; Iraq’s is just below 3%.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may have his own plans for creating more Iranian children; in the Iran-Iraq war, when Iraqi land mines were slaughtering the Iranian soldiers, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini encouraged Iranian children to march through the minefields in order to set the mines off. Quite often, the 450,000 children were given one of 500,000 plastic keys that would open the gates to paradise after they were killed. One of the trainers of these children was Ahmadinejad.


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