Bob Woodward: ISIS Has More Money, Anti-American Anger than Pre-9/11 al Qaeda

Bob Woodward: ISIS Has More Money, Anti-American Anger than Pre-9/11 al Qaeda

On “Fox News Sunday,” Bob Woodward, associate editor of The Washington Post said ISIS is more of a treat then al Qaeda before Sept. 11, 2001.

Woodward said, “The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, when he said we have to destroy it, I mean, that is a mighty task. We have not yet destroyed al-Qaeda. al-Qaeda still exists, and I think you’ve got to look at what’s the threat, and there’s a big debate in the intelligence community about whether ISIS is going to send people to the United States to attack here.” 

“And let’s remember, I hate to go back to 9/11, but it’s a critical turning point here,” he continued. “Mohammed Ada, the leader of the 19 hijackers, spent as best we have been able to tell $400,000 on that attack. It was pretty cheap. He came here a year before, planned it in a very sophisticated way. And if you have a very aggressive, unfortunately, talented middle manager like that, you can do something very, very serious. and everyone says, ISIS has got more money, and has this vengeance quotient.” 

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