Brad Slager

Articles by Brad Slager

Second Pro-Life Film Project Gets Initial Kickstarter Boot

Following last month’s news that a Kermit Gosnell TV movie was rejected just a few weeks later Kickstarter, the crowdfunding website, temporarily blocked another pro-life film from being featured for public support. The second incident involves a film project entitled Stolen Moments.

Second Pro-Life Film Project Gets Initial Kickstarter Boot

'Frozen' Star Kristen Bell Latest Celeb Begging to Pay Higher Taxes

Frozen actress Kristen Bell has become the latest celebrity to claim she does not pay enough to the beloved government. Joining Will Smith, Stephen King, and others in recent years who have proclaimed they want higher taxes, Bell displayed her willingness

'Frozen' Star Kristen Bell Latest Celeb Begging to Pay Higher Taxes

Obama Bundler Harvey Weinstein, Unions Beg for Hollywood Tax Incentives

Some in Hollywood continue to lobby the Golden State for what is commonly derided as a corporate bailout. The amount of film production taking place outside of California is approaching crisis levels as union groups and now high profile studio boss Harvey Weinstein

Obama Bundler Harvey Weinstein, Unions Beg for Hollywood Tax Incentives

Venezuela and Hollywood: Five Matches Made in Socialist Heaven

Throngs are taking to the streets in Venezuela demanding reforms while being met by violent government soldiers leading to civilian deaths. This is due to a populace tiring of oppression and economic strife, which started under President Hugo Chavez, a figured

Venezuela and Hollywood: Five Matches Made in Socialist Heaven

Obama's Hollywood Gets Conservative Over Tax Cut Requests

Amid the continuing reality of entertainment business fleeing the Los Angeles area, and California in general, a consortium of Hollywood groups created a petition calling for targeted relief from government revenue collection. You read that correct–Hollywood wants more tax cuts. After decades

Obama's Hollywood Gets Conservative Over Tax Cut Requests

'Lego Movie's' Success Portends New Product Placement Possibilities

This past weekend Hollywood had it collective jaws drop when The Lego Movie debuted with $70 million at the box office. This result shows a shift in perception the movie experienced, as it was openly derided initially as an empty commercial enterprise. The

'Lego Movie's' Success Portends New Product Placement Possibilities