Dr. Carson’s Speech is a Sensation

In response to God Spoke Through Ben Carson at National Prayer Breakfast…..In Front Of Obama!:

Sonnie, I posted that yesterday at Nice Deb, (meant to post it, here too, but got busy), and I can’t believe the almost visceral response it is getting everywhere. It’s being tweeted and facebooked and posted all over the internet. My stats are going through the roof. Breibart’s stats are going to go through the roof now too, because everybody wants to watch this speech over and over again.

Dr. Carson’s prayer breakfast speech is a sensation reminiscent of the collective YES! that happened after Rick Santelli’s 2/2009 teaparty rant that was heard around the world.

The good doctor not only upstaged Obama, he very gently but defiantly went against practically everything he stands for – right in front of him.

And downtrodden conservatives are rallying.


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