Poll: Obama Favorables Take a Nose Dive Among Dems

The Washginton Post has a new poll showing that support for the President among Democrats is dropping.  The Washington Post poll was conducted among 1010 adults with an MOE of +/- 3.5%, June 19-23.

Only 58% of Democrats strongly support Obama, down from 72% in January.  His numbers also took a tumble among those who describe themselves as liberal democrats (AKA his base) with his intensity falling from 78% at the beginning of this year to 60%.  There is even a drop among non-white respondents from 62% in January to 53%.

Intensity on a scale is important as a metric because it registers the level of enthusiasm and commitment.  In this poll, we find that enthusiasm dropping among groups who ought to be his core supporters.  

Among registered voters, 52% have an overall favorable opinion of Obama.  If support continues to drop, Obama will not be a help on the 2014 campaign trail. 


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