Of Thee I Sing 1776 - Page 2

Articles by Of Thee I Sing 1776

Three Cheers For Paul Ryan…On Second Thought, Make It Four

Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget proposal is not a panacea for the nation’s debt and deficit woes. The Ryan proposal is, however, a bold, brave, and, we think, an extraordinary step forward by the House Budget Committee, which Mr. Ryan chairs,

From Critic to Convert: Obama Adopts the Bush Doctrine

History books are filled with examples of unplanned and unexpected events. U.S. presidents like any head of state anywhere in the world must be capable of responding to sudden, serious and totally unexpected turns of events. As renowned historian Arnold

The Still Echoing Wisdom of Stein and Minsky: Is Anyone listening?

Few seem to be. At least not in the Administration they aren’t, nor among the spenders in Congress or the government-employee unionists who are manning the barricades (in some cases, quite literally) in state capitals throughout the country. Herb Stein

Do The Greens Really Want to Solve the Nation's Energy Problems?

The upheaval in the Mideast has brought gasoline prices front and center once again. Traders are building a risk factor into forward purchase contracts and gasoline prices per gallon now hover around $4 a gallon with no end in sight.

Cutting Through Public Sector Pension Debate

The mind-numbing, esoteric mumbo jumbo that dominates so much of the reporting and commentary on public-sector pension funds seems designed to cause the tax-paying public to surrender and acquiesce to letting their civil servants or elected officials iron it out.

Egypt and the Wider Middle East: The Limits of Intelligence

The stunning speed of events in the Middle East that brought about the fall of Tunisia’s strong-arm dictator, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, followed by the resignation of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak might suggest that our intelligence services were

Billy and Barack: Two Lawyers from Chicago

Last week we expressed disappointment in the President’s State of the Union address. While it contained the tone of a leader seeking common ground, and talking the talk of deficit and debt reduction, it was bereft of specifics. Now having

Who Needs Congress: Legislation by Regulatory Fiat

Fashioning good legislative policy (so that laws that we enact garner maximum respect from the public) requires, as we have seen from its absence in the prior Congress, patience and compromise. A party with electoral control over both chambers of

The WikiLeaks Exposures: A Wake Up Call for All of Us

Obscured by the daily scramble of news stories about WikiLeaks, its pompous and self-aggrandizing spokesperson, Julian Assange, and the classified information that was revealed, is a phenomenon which profoundly affects the way each of us as individuals conduct our daily

Our Long Succession of Ruling Classes: Rushing to Tomorrow with Eyes Wide Shut

The President proposed a national conversation about the proper role of government during last week’s hastily arranged press conference designed to smooth the ruffled feathers of his party’s bantam roosters who have been cackling their dissatisfaction over the common-sense compromise

Congressional Irresponsibility Has Set up a Ghoulish New Year

The 111th Congress will soon pass into history and perhaps will best be remembered for having set the all time record for Congressional irresponsibility … even surpassing the machinations of the 107th Congress, which enacted the so-called Bush tax cuts

What We Learned on November 2nd

Blessedly, the cacophony of political attack ads on every television station is over. Democrats and Republicans will all agree that the peace and quiet is welcome. As to the result, we all know the numbers: The GOP takes over the

Is America Becoming A House of Cards?

House of Cards: – “a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control,” (WordNet – Princeton University). While we don’t believe America has, by any stretch of the imagination, yet become a house of cards, we

Unsustainable At Every Level: Congress Fiddles and We Get Burned

The new buzzword in these difficult times for the United States and world economies is “unsustainable.” Again and again economists and politicians have said that the path on which the U.S. is headed is “unsustainable,” a description with which Federal

Changing Course: Twelve Ideas

Fixing Washington, or more correctly, fixing the government for which about half of us pay and for which all of us are heavily in debt, does not require a political messiah, nor does it require a revolution. What it requires

The Middle East Peace Talks: Preordained To Fail

The latest efforts to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians are hanging by a thread, which should be no surprise. Perhaps, based on the 2000 Camp David peace talks, sponsored by President Clinton, when the Palestinians walked away, essentially,

The Middle East Peace Talks: Preordained To Fail

The latest efforts to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians are hanging by a thread, which should be no surprise. Perhaps, based on the 2000 Camp David peace talks, sponsored by President Clinton, when the Palestinians walked away, essentially,

The American Era: Pausing…Dying…or Committing Suicide?

Let us stipulate that it has been a long, slow process, this erosion of American exceptionalism and those uniquely American qualities that made this country and its citizens the envy of the world. Some say we are “crying over spilled

The 2010 Election: Turning Point or Point of No Return?

In mid August under the heading “The Perversion of American Democracy: Death by a Thousand Cuts” we opined that in a series of continual steps the current Administration was subverting the underpinnings of our form of government by usurping and

Your Government at Work: Chaos Theory 101

While chaos theory has had a place in science since mathematician and physicist Jules Henri Poincare first coined the term in the 1880s, it made its way into pop culture with the introduction of the so-called butterfly effect by fiction

The Fleeting Nature of Congressional Majorities

It is less than two months to the midterm Congressional elections and for the Republicans all current signs point to something between significant successes at worst, and taking control of Congress if everything breaks their way. To be sure, the

Economy's Message to Washington: 'Just Get Out Of The Way!'

Consider the outrage from the left at such a notion. “That’s the thinking that got us into this mess in the first place,” the President and his lock-step liberal legions will rush to remind us. Well, no, it isn’t. The

The Perversion of American Democracy: Death by a Thousand Cuts

Our nation is in trouble and it goes far deeper than the current economic crisis of the past few years. Nor, despite all the rancor and the loud shouting back and forth, is the problem attributable to any single controversial

The Obama Square Dance: Believe What I Say, Not What You See

Those of us who had to square dance in grade school may remember the old Virginia Reel; the caller commanding us to do the dos-a-do which was a spin move in one direction and then another. That spin, however, doesn’t

Lessons from the Stimulus Plan: There Is A Better Way

The near collapse of our financial institutions and the overall economy and the misguided notion that a few trillion dollars of additional federal spending would return us to prosperity moved us in early 2009 to suggest an alternate approach. We

Three Cheers for American Exceptionalism…Pass It On!

Far-left ideologues and self-styled intellectual illuminati have, for years, labored overtime to highjack the notion of American Exceptionalism by equating it with their own notion of American arrogance. Let us put an end to this calumny. Let us recall and,

The Fourth of July: What We Should Be Celebrating

Once again, this weekend, Americans will gather with their families to “celebrate” the 4th of July. What are we celebrating? What stirs us on this day? How much time will be spent reflecting upon its relevance to our way of

Bait and Switch: Raising the National Deficit by Stealth

Like a relentlessly advancing cancer, the news about the US fiscal deficit and the accumulated debt, which is its result, keeps getting worse. Every week the press discloses some supposedly “new” information about either the federal budget, economic failure, projections