Utopian Riot

Articles by Utopian Riot

Music Video: 'Tides' by Utopian Riot

Our latest video, “Tides,” delivers a dark warning: “This isn’t the ending; it’s only beginning.” We hope it will disturb people to some extent. It would be wonderful to have some effect with the people who enjoy our music yet

Rock n' Roll Used to Be About Personal Liberty

Before we tell you about our latest accomplishments and the release of our first album, first, we gotta make you care. Maybe you don’t think that a conservative presence in entertainment is important. Maybe you think the entertainment industry is

Stand Up to the Left, and Watch Them Fall

Have you noticed how the typical progressive is more at ease when expressing their opinions in public than the typical conservative or libertarian? If you’re a cultural warrior like Andrew Breitbart, you may not have noticed this, for you are