Occupy Wall Street Tries to Occupy Union Square

Occupy Wall Street Tries to Occupy Union Square

Occupy Wall Street, which was evicted from Zuccotti Park last year, is attempting to make Manhattan’s Union Square its new home.

The footage linked below was filmed on a cell phone camera during an impromptu “General Assembly” meeting at the intersection of 14th St. and 4th Ave.

For several successive nights, demonstrators have attempted to protest in Union Square, under the watchful eyes of police who are determined not to let a new encampment arise.

Occupy leaders and supporters have been gathering quietly at meetings throughout the area, planning a spring offensive and a “general strike” for May 1.

The goals of the movement remain vague–“getting the money out of politics,” “creating community,” and the like–but the hippie/anarchist aesthetic of the protests is well-practiced.


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