Demand a Plan, but Don't Demand More Gun Control

Demand a Plan, but Don't Demand More Gun Control

Last month we watched evil personified at Sandy Hook ElementarySchool in Newtown, Connecticut, where a young man rounded up twenty six- and seven- year old children and shot and killedeach one of them, along with six adults at the school.  Our electedofficials immediately began to demand we need to pass legislation tostop this horror we have seen repeated so often in the last decade orso… Columbine, Virginia Tech, the Aurora Movie Theater.  Some sickindividual gets a gun and chooses to take out a lot of innocent peopleto get a little recognition before leaving this mortal coil.  We findthat there were always signs, some “issue” with the individual.  This isnot about the guns, it is about the individual who chooses to committhe act.

We must understand that the government will use this, andhas already started to attempt to force more useless gun controllegislation on the law-abiding American public.  No matter what theysay, the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment for a reason, andthat reason was to prevent the federal government from becoming toopowerful over the people.  It was to keep the people free from atyrannical government.  Throughout history, gun registration laws andgun control have ultimately led to tyranny, fascism, and the murder oftens of millions of people.  Stephen P. Halbrook provides excellentresearch on why the American people must resist the registration andconfiscation of firearms of law-abiding Americans in his article Registration: The Nazi Paradigm.

Yes,when the founders wrote the Constitution the weaponry they used weremuskets, and we hear it argued that they never would have imagined thehigh power, high-capacity rifles and firearms we have today.  Some saywe should only be allowed to keep muskets.  In his article on TrevorLoudon’s New Zeal Blog, Citizen Scribe writes:

What’sa common meme among the disarm-the-citizenry crowd? How about that oldchestnut, “the Second Amendment only protects muskets, since thefounders couldn’t have anticipated modern weaponry.”

Seriously?  You’re telling me that science and technologymakes our rights obsolete?  Is that why you have to get a permit to buya television or radio?  Modern rotary presses are all federallylicensed?  You can only buy a car after passing an FBI background check?And those modern building materials in your house; that’s whygovernment agents can just walk in any time they please?

Muskets? Really?

For the complete article, On Modern Musketry, which is well worth taking the time to read, click here.

Asyou hear the arguments of our officials, understand that gun control isnot the problem.  Statistically, gun free zones have emboldenedcriminals and sick individuals to commit their violent acts, knowingthat they will meet no resistance from their innocent, unarmed victims. Those cities with the highest gun violence and crime rates are thosewith the strictest gun control laws.  The data is irrefutable, theargument for more gun control weak and unsubstantiated.

And thenwe have the celebrities who do these idiotic public serviceannouncements,  tools (in every sense of the word) of the government. They decry gun violence, while earning their living making the mostviolent, graphic movies they can.  How many have full-time armedsecurity to protect them wherever they go?  In the video below, you seewhat hypocrites they truly are.

Be smart. Demand better mentalhealth care. Demand harsher penalties for those who commit gun crimes.But do not demand more gun control!

Warning: the video features strong language and violence.


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