Rep. King: Obama Must 'Stop Apologizing for America' on Gitmo

Rep. King: Obama Must 'Stop Apologizing for America' on Gitmo

Congressman Peter King (R-NY) appeared on ABC’s This Week on Sunday to criticize President Obama’s statements about Guantanamo Bay. “I’m offended by the moralizing,” King said. “The fact is, whether you agree or disagree with Guantanamo, many experts believe that it did work. It was something that had to be done at the time. The president had five years to end this if he really wanted to. He could’ve moved most of those prisoners out of the country.”

President Obama spoke about terrorism on Thursday at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., where he again called for shutting down Guantanamo Bay, the detention facility for terror suspects caught overseas. Detainees who have been released have often gone back to terrorism against the United States.

“Everyone wants to close Guantanamo, ultimately,” King explained. “But again, he has the power to do it. He hasn’t done it. He certainly, whether or not Congress was in the way, could have done a lot more than he has done about it if he were serious about it rather than just moralizing.” King added that terrorist focus on Guantanamo Bay as some sort of rationale for their terror sprang from attention on the facility from “The American media and people in politics … We should be proud, defend what we’re doing and stop apologizing for America.”


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