Rasmussen: 62% Feel State of the Union 'Mostly Just for Show'

Rasmussen: 62% Feel State of the Union 'Mostly Just for Show'

A new Rasmussen poll reveals that 62% of those polled feel tonight’s State of the Union (SOTU) address from Barack Obama is “mostly just for show.” Obama’s trustworthiness among the American public is slipping; last year 53% of those polled felt the address was “just for show.” 

69% of voters believe that most of what is promised in SOTU addresses is not achieved.

Obama is expected to concentrate on “income equality” in his speech, but 59% of respondents felt that income equality would be better addressed by less government involvement in the economy rather than more intervention. 46% of voters believed that Obama is doing a poor job addressing income inequality, while only 37% felt he was doing a good job.

When asked which was more important, economic fairness or economic growth, 53% of voters chose economic growth, while only 38% chose economic inequality.


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