Rep. Steve King Will Join Launch of New Angel Family Advocacy Effort

Mary and Brandon Mendoza
Photo Courtesy of Barbara Mendoza

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Steve King is set to speak along with several “angel” families at the launch of the new family-led group, Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC) in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.

Families whose loved ones have been killed or negatively impacted by crimes committed by illegal aliens are launching AVIAC. The group seeks to “promote American safety and security through legislative education, victim and family support, and public action.”

Angel parents Mary Ann Mendoza and Don Rosenberg are co-founders of the group. Each has lost a child at the hands of illegal alien crimes. An illegal alien driving while high on meth and with a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit killed Mendoza’s police officer son. The individual was driving the wrong way on an Arizona highway when he struck Brandon Mendoza’s vehicle. Mrs. Mendoza spoke on the stage of the 2016 Republican National Convention.

“For too long, our voices were shut out of the immigration dialogue and the stories of our loved ones were ignored. We’re reaching out to all Americans, letting them know the real impact illegal immigration has on every single American life,” Mendoza said ahead of the launch.

Mendoza said of King’s participation in the launch, “AVIAC knows it has a trusted friend in Congressman Steve King. We are honored to have Congressman King standing with victims and families negatively impacted by illegal alien crime, and standing up for every single American life.”

Rosenberg lost his son Drew in 2010. He has testified in front of several government bodies including the California legislature and has written testimony for U.S. House and Senate committees.

Both Mendoza and Rosenberg have been advocating for years on behalf of victim families.

“Too many lives are lost and negatively impacted by illegal immigration. Many families have worked alone or in small groups to spread awareness and provide a safe space for victims and families to process the devastating effects of illegal immigrant crime,” said Rosenberg, ahead of the launch. “AVIAC unites families, honors victims, and lets all victims of illegal alien crime know they are not alone.“

Victim family members Sabine Durden, Michele Root, Brian McCann, and Maureen Maloney will also attend the event that will take place from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in the Zenger room of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Durden also spoke of her son Dominic on the Republican National Convention stage and the illegal alien that hit and killed him while driving with alcohol in his system, despite two prior DUIs.

AVIAC’s mission states, in part, “As parents and family of loved ones killed or negatively impacted by illegal alien crime, our goal is to promote Americans’ safeness and security in legislation and public policy.” The group plans to “educate the public on the statistics and impact that illegal immigration has on American lives, our country’s safety and the financial burden it is costing each and every American.”

The group seeks to work with politicians to see immigration laws enforced and to provide testimony for new legislation on immigration issues.

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