Last week, while Barack Obama was busy apologizing for America and lauding the laughable hokum of “Europe’s leading role in the world” in front of qualified world leaders at the G20 summit, Michelle Obama was apparently charming the unmentionables off the marveling Euros with her alleged grace and beauty. The on-going media orgasm over the first couple reached an indecently sloppy crescendo in Europe as the groupthink fiction which now passes for mainstream news bizarrely acclaimed the Obamas the new American royalty.

In a previous article, I lamented the Obama administration’s perverting of the English lexicon to further its cultural mythology. The president’s media confederates lovingly disgorged some of this mythology last week under the guise of summit coverage.

In a particularly unsettling display of sycophantic idol worship, former Vanity Fair and New Yorker editor Tina Brown gushed:

It was smart of France’s ravishing first lady, Carla Bruni, to let her husband go to the conference without her. The second Madame Sarkozy was a big wow when she visited London last March, but she’s a shrewd enough PR hand to know she would suffer in comparison to the first and only Mrs. Obama.

A simple google images search of the two first ladies reveals that one always looks like she just came off a runway, while the other… doesn’t. To suggest that Ms. Bruni would be somehow upstaged by First-Lady-In-Training Obama is pure, uncut, Atlantic Coast hackery.

The Washington Post’s Michael Gerson explained on NBC’s Meet the Press that he “was impressed by Michelle Obama’s grace, which is a national asset.” In an effusive article comparing Michelle Obama to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, various observers are quoted saying things like “she has a fresh glamour;” “she’s very stylish, always looking amazing;” “she’s probably in the Top 10 of being best dressed, in the world.”

Welcome to the media’s reinvention of Michelle Obama. Evidently, Jackie O. has been reincarnated in the person of Michelle O. This former campaign liability; this bitter, congenitally angry woman; this America-basher who needs a teleprompter to cue a forced, awkward smile is the new Jackie O.

After this Jackie O. redux demonstrated her exalted grace by trying to manhandle the Queen of England to the horror of the slightly more decorum-conscious Brits, The Houston Chronicle tapped Syracuse University professor Bob Thompson for an explanation:

The power, the voltage of the Obama family is so great it not only can make the queen of England forget her own protocol but invite a violation of it. The whole Obama thing is like an unstoppable cultural force. Even the queen of England is all of a sudden playing footsie.

So powerful was this “voltage” that it was all the Queen could do to keep from knuckle-bumping Michelle. Indeed, it’s only a matter of time before the Obama “unstoppable cultural force” makes England the 57th state.

As for Michelle’s better half, MSNBC’s heart-smitten Chris Matthews effervesced:

He is the new us! That’s right, President Obama is in London tonight as the new emblem of the American people… We’ve got Barack Obama as our president and Michelle Obama as our First Lady. We’re all immensely proud… I thought about that scene for months, the first time they get to come as our American couple. To represent us, really in a new way. A kind of a sophisticated new leadership.

So what are the indicators of this “sophisticated new leadership”? Insulting the mentally-challenged on a late night talk show? Giving the British Prime Minister unplayable DVDs of ET and Star Wars? Suggesting Sarah Palin is a pig? Leaking information about a political rival’s peculiar sex habits to the press? Traveling with 12 teleprompters? Attending the church services of a racist preacher for 20 years? Fear-mongering the financial markets to 12-year lows? Nominating a procession of tax cheats for cabinet positions? Filling out an NCAA tournament bracket on ESPN? Voting ‘present’? Snorting coke?

When he wasn’t bowing down to Saudi kings, marginalizing the US, or doing to the European Union what my neighbor’s over-excited poodle sometimes does to my leg, BHO was engaged in his favorite pastime, blaming George W. Bush for stuff. Percolating diplomatic tensions, increasing worldwide anti-American sentiment, international financial crises, etc… Bush did it. Duh?! But now “the new emblem of the American people” will clean up the mess.

Insulting the former regime at every available opportunity is the stuff of little men with inferiority complexes dressed in store-bought army general’s uniforms speaking to the unwashed masses from tall balconies in countries with more coconuts than pavement. In his own, sophisticated way, our current president keeps telling us, “We won. You lost. Get used to it.”

So this is class? This is the new American royalty? It seems more like the tacky overcompensation of the nouveau riche desperately trying to fit into a social stratum beyond its provincial qualifications.

The more the Obama mythology is repeated, the more it takes on the facade of authenticity. Through outlets like this website, hopefully we can eventually transition the reality about the current administration from the politically incorrect underground to the sunshine of conventional wisdom.

How do you say, “glorified community organizer” in Austrian?