For Joy Behar, Some Defamation is More Equal Than Others

Sandra Bernhard called Bristol Palin a “hooker” on the “Joy Behar Show” while the rest of her panel concurred by offering up more degrading remarks in support of Bernhard. Not surprising that Behar concurs with Bernhard, as she is fond of name-calling too. She has compared former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to Hitler. She called Sharon Angle a “bitch” and said she was “going to Hell.”

Being a devout anti-Christian, it seems hypocritical that she believes in Hell at all.

If Behar doesn’t understand the facts or she can’t defend her point of view through rational thought she resorts to name-calling. When Bill O’Reilly referred to the terrorist of 9/11 as “Muslim killers” she called it “hate speech” and stormed off stage with her pal Whoppi Goldberg in a fit of childish indignation. So it’s OK for her to lie and call people names but when O’Reilly states something that is a fact, it’s “hate speech.” Behar’s name-calling cannot be backed up by any logical facts, but the facts do prove that she is a left-wing wacko and those that sit in her audience and applaud her rabid discourse are no better. Yes I am name-calling here, but at least my name-calling is based on facts.

Sandra Bernhard and Behar, though not twins, are of course likeminded (like Bubba and Forrest): One of Bernhard’s “famous” quotes I found on the Internet iss: “The real terrorist threats are George W. Bush and his brown-shirted thugs.” Just like Behar, she compares Republicans to Hitler. She also referred to a Republican woman as a “thin-lipped bitch,” and to Sarah Palin’s Christianity as “new goyish crappy shiksa funky bullshit.” Not bad for a comedian ranked in the top 100, well somewhere in the top 90.

We have always known people like these two hate-filled women. They are unable to carry on an intelligent conversation, and frequently resort to unjustified name-calling. Not that name-calling is ever justified unless it fits the facts, i.e. Bernie Madoff, Charles Ponzi, Milli Vanilli, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton are all liars, 99.9% of terrorists are Muslim, and Martha Stewart is a convicted felon.

Calling anyone names without facts to back it up makes one a liar. Yes I am saying that Behar and Bernhard are liars. There is not one ounce of evidence that Bristol Plain is a hooker. Even the Anti Defamation League censored Behar for comparing Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to Hitler. Certainly we know that most of the name-calling comes from the left-wing and is all emotionally driven. Name-calling is their favorite way to deflect an argument they can’t win.

Why would The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) associate themselves with Behar by giving her the 2010 “Excellence in Media Award“? It seems that Behar is by far one of the best examples of a defamatory human being that exists. But at least she supports GLAAD and why not, she is a hypocrite, she is anti-Christian and she spews hate.

If you are interested in writing Ms. Behar, the address follows. I don’t think Walt would be to happy having Ms. Behar on his payroll.

Joy Behar

Co-Host, “The View”

ABC News

The Walt Disney Company

77 West 66th Street

New York, NY 10023


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