Obama's War of Choice in Libya Angers All the Right People

So by bombing Libya, Obama succeeds in pissing off his key supporters: the anti-war left.

Which shows you how naive the anti-war left is. if you actually believe a president will not go to war, because HE PROMISED YOU! – then you’re like every girl on Rock of Love.

Hopelessly disappointed.

And high as a kite.

People who campaign on peace, often wage war in office.

They’ll just drag their feet a little longer, which is what Obama did.

But I support the President because I try to be consistent on military matters.

And to be fair, so are some on the anti-war left.

Compare the currently angry Michael Moore to those lefties who, after reaming Bush for 8 years, are now oddly silent on Obama’s war. That’s kinda weird.

Anyway, after Obama’s behavior toward Egypt, he had little choice. Avoiding Kaddafi, after kicking a meeker Mubarak out the door – would smack of weakness.

But here’s why bombing Libya may be good: for forty years we’ve had to deal with Gadaffi’s vile mug. It may not be a “vital interest” to “get” him – but it’s justice.

Think of all the crap he’s done to innocent people, including Americans.

Lastly, the action angers the right people.

I dislike the anti-war movement because we, as humans, are all anti-war. It creates a false opposition: that the rest of us are PRO-WAR.

But we’re not.

I’m pro military. It’s the high speed rail with actual, awesome purpose.

More important, if the anti-war movement succeeds, evil all over would increase, because without threat of punishment, the brutal will blossom. And inevitably, America falls.

Which, to the left, is better than putting up a fight.

And if you disagree with me, you’re worse than Hitler!


Tucker Carlson!

John Devore!

Jedidiah Bila!


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