Romney Lands Lohan Endorsement, Actress Cites Need for New Economic Plan

Romney Lands Lohan Endorsement, Actress Cites Need for New Economic Plan

GOP candidate Mitt Romney just earned Lindsay Lohan’s vote.

Scoff if you like, but Business Insider contends Lohan represents the “low information” voter who might play a major role in selecting the next president.

Lohan said that the reason she was voting Romney was “employment.” From The Blaze:

“I just think employment is really important right now,” the troubled star told E!, while at Mr. Pink’s Ginseng Drink event in Beverly Hills, California, on Thursday. “So, as of now, Mitt Romney. As of now.”

Lohan is a low information voter convinced that (a) employment is really important, (b) thinks that employment is not being sufficiently handled by the White House right now and (c) thinks that Mitt Romney is better equipped to handle employment.

That arguably logical sequence is all that it takes for a low-information voter to support Mitt Romney.  The thing is, there are millions of voters like her. That should terrify the Obama campaign. 


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