Box Office Predictions: 'Ralph' Set to 'Wreck' Competition

Box Office Predictions: 'Ralph' Set to 'Wreck' Competition

Very close calling last week’s field. With Hurricane Sandy leaving much of the east coast in a wreck, look for a direct result on this weekend’s openers.

This weekend’s predictions and revenue results go as follows:

1. “Wreck-It Ralph” ($41 million) – I’m very optimistic that despite Hurricane Sandy’s impact, this film will still break the $40 million mark. Film has great appeal for both kids and adults. The “old school” arcade favorites mixed with a “Despicable Me”-like concept is very clever.

2. “Flight” ($17.5 million) – Denzel Washington remains one of Hollywood’s most reliable stars, but Sandy’s effects linger as well as the surprisingly low screen count (only 1,800+ screens). These factors point to a respectable, but under the $20 million+ openings we’re used to seeing from the actor’s films.

3. “Argo” ($9 million) – As a political drama, the last weekend before the election will serve as prime territory. Look for another top five finish.

4. “Hotel Transylvania” ($5.7 million) – Film continues its amazing run and will grab just enough of those leftover Halloween audiences to scare up another top five finish. This, even despite huge competition from “Wreck-It Ralph.”

5. “Man with the Iron Fists” ($5.2 million) – Film is depending on a niche audience which is very undependable. The Quentin Tarantino connection helps, but the rest of the cast is nowhere box office safe. That, and facing the effects of the hurricane look to doom this one.

That’s how Sensei’s sees it.  Have a great weekend.


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