Christmas Day: A&E Runs 'Duck Dynasty' Super Marathon

Christmas Day: A&E Runs 'Duck Dynasty' Super Marathon

Starting at 3:30pm Christmas Day, A&E will broadcast asuper marathon of 25 “Duck Dynasty” episodes. The marathon willrun until 4am. This will be the second “Duck Dynasty” marathon thenetwork has broadcast afterindefinitely suspending Phil Robertson, the series’ star, for the crime ofdiscussing Biblical sin, including homosexuality, with GQ Magazine.

The anti-Christian A&E apparently wants to have it bothways. If it brings in viewers, the network has no problem broadcastingmarathons filled with Phil Robertson. At the same time, though, the network ispunishing this very same star whose “offending” persona is all overits network in the direct wake of a phony controversy.

With this marathon, A&E is also broadcasting how importantthe “Duck Dynasty” franchise is to them. The Robertson clan not onlystars in the network’s number-one show, they star in the network’s only signature hit.

A&E is in a pickle for two reasons: A&E needsSecondly, A&E is the only who did anything wrong, and did so by caving toAmerica’s politically correct fascists like GLAAD.

The Robertson family has already made clear they willnot honor the suspension.


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