The Rock Body Slams Christie Over Unauthorized Video

The Rock Body Slams Christie Over Unauthorized Video

You would think that after numerous embarrassments over the years, members of the Republican Party could grab hold of the reality that unauthorized use of anything involving popular culture will result in an embarrassing cease and desist request.

This is always followed by the media playing up the controversy and the Republican in question looking incompetent for a controversy caused by an unforced error.

Moreover, the controversy is a reminder to America’s many pop culture-obsessed young voters that Republicans are uncool.

And yet, it keeps happening. Time and again, a Republican will use a song or image to give his own image some Hollywood pixie dust only to have it turn to egg on his face.

Why, then, did New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s office believe they could get away with using the image of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson without his permission?

Yes, there are rumors that The Rock’s politics might be conservative-leaning. But he still has to work in a business run mostly by left-wing fascists.

Tuesday, Christie’s office released a YouTube video formatted like an action movie trailer to tout the governor’s policies. The trailer featured Johnson in a quick cameo. That same day, as anyone who knows anything about politics would expect, Johnson apparently requested that the unauthorized use of his image be removed.

Christie’s office pulled the video.

The left-wing media is playing up the controversy.

The Stupid Party washes, rinses, repeats… 



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