‘Jurassic World’ Actress Comfortable in Her ‘Shoes’ Amid Gender Equality Crisis

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Being a woman in Hollywood isn’t all bad; some would even say it still has its perks. Just ask Jurassic World actress Bryce Howard Dallas.

While defending her character’s decision to wear high heels in the this year’s Jurassic Park sequel, where she notoriously ran through the jungle, ducking prehistoric behemoths in stilettos, Dallas demonstrated during a recent interview not every woman in Hollywood is all about wage disparities and gender politics.

“She’s in high heels because she’s a woman who has been in high heels her whole life and she can f—ing sprint in them,” the actress told Cosmopolitan of her character. “She can. That’s kind of how I perceived it. She doesn’t have to be in menswear and flats in order to out run a T. Rex. That’s what women can do.”


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