Kanye West Challenges the Establishment: ‘Thought Police Want to Suppress Freedom’

Associated Press

Rap superstar and fashion mogul Kanye West is doubling down on his efforts to promote free speech and thought on Twitter, despite a barrage of attacks and criticism from the left.

Over the past week, West has taken to Twitter to express a number of philosophical and political thoughts that have irked establishment leaders in media and entertainment.

From motivational posts encouraging people to be spontaneous, honest, and “yourself,” to warnings about “thought police” and “freedom of thought,” West has generated a multitude of interest on social media.

Kanye West has also made some “controversial” posts, which have equally proved to be some his most popular, declaring on Sunday, “we have freedom of speech but not freedom of thought.” His missives throwing support for conservative commentator Candace Owens went viral on the social media platform.

West’s commentary on freedom of thought received 100,000 likes, while his endorsement of Owens received over 80,000. Despite garnering criticism from the media and users with verified Twitter accounts, the musician has refused to back down.

On Monday, West shared several videos of a live stream by Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Adams claimed West had “ripped a whole in reality” with his praise of Candace Owens, and had helped many people break out of their “mental prisons.”

“New ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change,” West declared. “Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons.”

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.


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