About that Tim McVeigh Special on MSNBC Tonight…

I am really sorry that Rachel Maddow’s ratings have tanked and that Fox News is practically on the verge of owning MSNBC. There is a problem here, and I think I can help.

Apparently, Maddow and her copycats at the MSM still believe they “make” the news. They can’t seem to learn that viewers are abandoning the Mainstream Media in droves for Fox News while they continue in the fantasy that people actually believe they provide value.

rachel maddow

Now comes a special on Timothy McVeigh‘s 1995 act of terrorism in Oklahoma City, and how it “puts into perspective the threat posed by anti-government extremism.” The show airs at 9 p.m. eastern tonight.

Nine years after his execution, we are left worrying that Timothy McVeigh’s voice from the grave echoes in the new rising tide of American anti-government extremism.

The ‘McVeigh Tapes’ puts into perspective the threat posed by anti-government extremism. It doesn’t have to lead to violence, but it can and it has. We ignore this, our own very recent history of anti-government violence and the dangers of domestic terrorism, at our peril.

Well, not really.

We Tea Partiers understand that Maddow is using innuendo against us when she uses the words, “extremism” and “domestic terrorism.” We also know that she and her colleagues in the MSM are trying to straight-up rebrand us as terrorists. We aren’t holding our breath for them to become “fair and balanced” in a quest for ratings.

Let me see… if the Media can’t bring itself to report accurately on the popular Tea Party, then it can still find a way to drive ratings via morbid curiosity by accusing us of something so fabricated, so off-the-wall, as being “domestic terrorists.” Is that it?


There is only one problem here: the Tea Partiers do not fit a contrived narrative of “dangerous extremists,” because they tend to be the most tolerant, non-violent crowds ever to grace the gathering places of this country. For the record, there is more evidence that Timothy McVeigh had more ties to Islamic terrorists than any American organization.

Here is a primer on the Tea Parties for Rachel and her colleagues at MSNBC. It’s as easy as A,B,C, so I think they can get it:

A=American Patriotism:

There are many differences between Terrorists and American Tea Partiers. First, the entire premise of the Tea Party is patriotism, and all that traditional America stands for: our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Founding Fathers, our rich, patriotic history. U.S. flags abound at all of these functions. The goal of terrorism is to destroy America and all it stands for.

B=Ballot Box:

Our primary activities are winning campaigns and correlative activities like holding rallies and protests. I don’t see a lot of terrorists holding rallies and posting patriotic phrases on poster boards. They don’t usually sing “God Bless America” or pray for their enemies when they begin their “rallies.” Their goal is not good government or voter turn-out, but Sharia government and dead voters.


Tea Partiers are not “anti-government.” Actually, the Tea Partiers I know are very proud of our founding documents and the original intent of our government. While the terrorists hate our government for the freedoms it espouses, the Tea Partiers hate that it often tramples upon those very freedoms. Many Tea Partiers carry pocket-sized copies of the Constitution with them at all times — try asking a group of Tea Partiers and see how many are offered. Recommended reading! All Tea Partiers believe that a government of the People, by the People, and for the People shall not perish from this Earth, and many would die to defend that premise, and our Constitution. The ABC’s of the Tea Party distinguish it from any narrative the MSM may try to manufacture.

One final letter before the program airs —


Asserting something does not make it so–so just don’t. Even liberals aren’t buying it any more, or they would be watching your network. You are not going to “unlearn” the ABC’s of the Tea Party for them, so don’t waste your time. Stick to the “globalyadayadapolarbigbrotheroneworldgovernment” gobbledygook the American public has come to know and loathe about you.

I hear flags are selling fast because the patriots are buying them up as fast as they can. Supply can’t keep up with demand (that is “Capitalism”–a whole other primer), so they need more flagmakers.

I hope you guys at MSNBC can sew.


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