Exclusive – Parent of Kids Who Walked Out on Savage: ‘What a Pig’

Dan Savage (Jamie McCarthy / Getty)
Jamie McCarthy / Getty


The father of two students who attended the high school journalism conference where White House-endorsed “anti-bullying” advocate Dan Savage attacked the Bible and Christianity has spoken out vehemently against Savage and against the conference organizers.

“My son and daughter both attend Arrowhead Christian High School in Redlands, CA,” Philip Naman told Breitbart News. “They were at the event.

“My son is the first boy you see leaving on the video.  My daughter is right behind him.  They felt that they were there to hear about journalism and this man’s fight against bullying.  They had no idea, and neither did I, of who Dan Savage actually was.

“As he started to insult the children’s God, Bible, and choice of lifestyle, my son felt he had enough and calmly got up to leave. My daughter followed him and then the rest of their 22 classmates all got up and left.

“After they had left the room Dan Savage made his derogatory remarks in a cowardly fashion about them not being able to take it.”

Naman says that organizers failed to provide satisfactory answers as to why Savage had been allowed to speak in the first place.

“The attitude of the conference coordinators was as disturbing as Dan Savage’s,” he says. “They reportedly said that as journalists the kids should have been able to sit there and take it all in. They felt the only thing that they had failed at was to not clearly tell the attending schools about Dan Savage. If they had to warn the schools, why would they let him speak?

In addition, Naman says, some of Savage’s remarks were sexual in nature, and inappropriate for an audience of high school students.

“He made lewd references to his mate in Speedos–something about having to be pried off of him to come to the session. In any context, speaking to highschoolers of any sexual type, that is flat out wrong. My 16-year-old daughter was there.

“This puke felt at ease enough to speak like that in front of a little girl. What a pig.”


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