ABC's Brian Ross: Sikh-Killer Is Right-Wing

ABC's Brian Ross: Sikh-Killer Is Right-Wing

ABC News is at it again, misidentifying a mass murderer as part of the “right” in America today. And, naturally, it was Brian Ross who did the dirty deed, claiming the man responsible for killing several Sikh temple goers in Wisconsin is a member of the “right-wing.”

Ross appeared on ABC on the morning of August 7 to say that shooter Wade Michael Page has “links to these right-wing, neo-Nazi groups.”

The left has succeeded for years in linking conservatives and people on the American right to the Nazis by claiming they are all “right-wingers.” But the claim is simply untrue.

It should be remembered that Hitler’s Party was called the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which in English means the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Yes, that’s right, socialist.

The Nazis were only in slight shades different from the communists and the socialists that they battled. The fact is, Nazis are not “right-wingers.” They are of the left.

Yet the Old Media continues to link a nationalist party built on socialism to “the right” every time the subject arises.

This isn’t an outlier act by Brian Ross, either. Ross is a repeat offender, if you will.

You may recall that only hours after the July 20 shooting at a movie theater in Colorado, Brian Ross rushed to claim that the shooter in that crime might be a member of the Colorado Tea Party. An act that even ABC News chief Ben Sherwood had to admit marred their coverage of the crime.


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