Ed Schultz: Detroit Collapse Thanks to 'A Lot of Republican Policies'

Ed Schultz: Detroit Collapse Thanks to 'A Lot of Republican Policies'

On Saturday, Ed Schultz of MSNBC actually posited that the collapse of Detroit, a city run solely and completely Democrats for the last 50 years, could be attributed to “a lot of Republican policies.” Schultz explained, “Michigan used to be a symbol of industrial strength in manufacturing in this country. But thanks to a lot of Republican policies, the city is now filing for bankruptcy. Now, it’s the largest public sector bankruptcy in U.S. history, and the consequences could be devastating if you care about people. The already small force of police, firefighters and EMTs are in danger of future layoffs, that’s only going to make it worse. Roughly 30,000 retired workers are concerned about their pensions. You know, what they’re counting on. Make no mistake, Detroit is exactly what the Republicans want. They outsourced manufacturing jobs, attack unions, cut public services, and this is the result. Now they can wipe the slate clean because now they can start privatizing city assets.”

In other words, Democrats making deals with public service unions in order to keep getting elected then driving out the entire tax base with high taxation in order to pay for those extravagant promises is somehow the fault of the GOP. 


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