Donald Trump Blasts PolitiFact Frauds: ‘A Totally Left-Wing Group’


During a phone-in appearance on Tuesday morning’s “Fox and Friends,” Republican frontrunner Donald Trump blasted the left-wing PolitiFact for “awarding” him its “Lie of the Year” award. “What’s your response to them for that,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked.

Trump responded:

I’ve been proven right. You look at Breitbart, whey talk about when I said [American Muslims] were dancing on rooftops and dancing in the streets, I’m right about that. There are many articles that say they were in New Jersey, there are many articles that say that’s true.

PoliticFact, which is totally a left-wing group, they are bad news as far as [fact] checking. You could tell something 100 percent and they will make it out to a lie, if you’re a certain person.  So PolitiFact didn’t like the idea that I said dancing on rooftops, dancing on streets, but that’s been confirmed by hundreds of people.

Trump admitted that he didn’t know the true number of American Muslims who had celebrated the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11, but that he would not back away from his “thousands and thousands” claim because “I bet if you added it up, it would be a helluva big number.”

Breitbart News took a look at the numerous police reports, eyewitnesses, and news reports about American Muslims celebrating on 9/11 and objectively concluded that Trump’s claim was reasonable.

Trump also stood by his belief that Mexico does not send America its best people, a belief that is backed up by harrowing crimes statistics the DC Media has covered up for decades.

Trump is being punished by the frauds at PolitiFact and throughout the DC Media for daring to reveal the truth about illegal immigrant crime and for forcing the media to report, for the first time, that a troubling number of American Muslims did in fact celebrate 9/11.

It is long, long, long past time for Republicans to stand up to the DC Media’s left-wing, fact-checking frauds.


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