'Hugging Moore'

I’d like to help spread the word about a worthy project the guys from FTR radio are working on that will pay tribute to the late great Andrew Breitbart as the one year anniversary of his death approaches. Thomas La Duke came up with an idea to film a documentary – not about Breitbart, but inspired by him.

Yes. Everyone should be “Hugging Moore”. Michael Moore. The filmmaker
guy from Flint that makes movies that are full of the stuff that makes
plants grow. That guy.

In Jan of 2012 new media guru Andrew Breitbart toured Moore’s theater
in Traverse City, MI and proclaimed that Moore was a one of his
favorite capitalists. FTR Media and Get Over Yourself Productions dig
into why Moore has so bad mouthed the very system that ha made him one
of the wealthiest people in the country. The journey into this story
will surprise you and make you realize that Michael Moore might be
Americas greatest capitalist. Maybe.

They’ve set up a website, Hugging Moore to raise funds for the project.

Here’s the trailer:


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