Susan “YouTube” Rice to Argue for Syria on 1-Year Anniversary of Benghazi Attack

In response to Cheerios war pushed by a Fruit Loops Administration:

You find Kerry’s “unbelievably small” calculation clumsy, Samantha Power’s expectations re Iran preposterous,  the Obama official’s Cheerios analogy ridiculous? 

Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

In an astonishing display of either ignorance or brazenness, the White House will mark the first anniversary of the Benghazi terrorist attack this Wednesday by sending National Security Adviser Susan Rice to Capitol Hill to argue the administration’s case for military force in Syria. Rice infamously delivered false talking points on national television, blaming the Benghazi attacks on a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Islam YouTube video. Sending Rice to Congress to brief members on Syria is like sending Typhoid Mary to lecture on public health. Her credibility is, to use a diplomatic term, limited.

I don’t even know what to say…


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