Couples to Have Sex in Studio for New TV Show

In an attempt to “reclaim sex from pornography,” a British television network will air a brand new show in which couples will have sex inside a soundproofed box in studio, and then be interviewed by a panel of experts regarding their love lives.  Welcome to “Sex Box.” 

The show will be hosted by journalist and television presenter Mariella Frostrup and will feature three couples invited to have sex inside an opaque four-metre-square cube. Although cameras will not be allowed inside, the box will be located in the middle of a television studio. 

Upon completion or in-completion, whatever the case may be, the couples will be interviewed by a panel of experts that includes relationship adviser Tracey Cox, sex columnist Dan Savage and author Phillip Hodson. 

Frostrup said she approached the show with “great trepidation and a degree of skepticism, particularly about why we need a box, but ultimately I think it was a really really mature – surprisingly for television – look at a subject we’ve allowed to proliferate in its worst manifestations and refuse to confront.”

Channel 4’s head of factual programming, Ralph Lee, said there was “nothing salacious” about the show and that “strangely it’s quite a chaste programme – there’s no sex in it”.

He went on to say, “the explosion of online pornography is one of the stories of our time and this absolutely intends to be an open, adult, quite deep conversation about sex. The experts we have are not flippant people. That said, there is a levity to the conversation. It’s not a massive furrowed-brow type conversation because there’s something mischievous when you watch it. We’re confident there’s a sincere motive behind it.”

The first to enter the “sex box” will be Rachel and Dean, a couple in their 20s. Reports say they’ve been training feverishly for their television debut, October 7. 


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