Wendy Davis' Ex Had A Judge Issue a Restraining Order Against Her In 2003

Wendy Davis has been blaming Greg Abbott for all of her woes, lately, but it was her ex-husband who talked to the Dallas Morning News reporter. He is also the guy who asked a  Texas District Court to issue a temporary restraining order against her in 2003.

Among the activities she was to be “immediately restrained from” doing was, “using illegal drugs or consuming alcohol within 24 hours before or during the period of possession of or access to the child.” First on the list was, “communicating with the petitioner in person, by telephone or in writing, using vulgar, profane, obscene, indecent language, or in a course or offensive manner.” Second on the list was “threatening petitioner…”

Erick Erickson notes at RedState that “at the time her daughter requested her father serve as her managing conservator.”

Apparently, there is more to Wendy Davis than meets the eye – none of it good.

In their rush to turn this “nothingburger candidate” into a feminist icon, Texas Democrats and their media allies completely forgot to vet her – and that’s proving very awkward for them, now.


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