Video: CPAC Panel Discusses 'What's The Deal With Global Warming?'

In response to Senate Dems Pulling an All Nighter To Draw Attention To Climate Change:

The perfect rebuttal to the Democrats’ “all night talkathon” that took place in the Senate last night “to wake up Congress to the disturbing realities of climate change” already happened at CPAC, last weekend where a panel of experts discussed “what’s the deal with climate change.”

Joe Bast (President, The Heartland Institute) moderated the discussion with Steve Milloy (Director of External Policy & Strategy, Murray Energy Corporation), Marc Morano (Publisher, Climate Depot), Dr. Marlo Lewis (Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute), George Landrith (President, Frontiers of Freedom), Shannon Smith (CEO, Abundant Power Group).

Unfortunately, the mikes of the last two speakers appeared to be off, so you’ll have to strain your ears to hear them.


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