Islam, The Not-So-Peaceful Religion

Islamic extremism continues to spread around the globe, and the killing and
maiming of innocent westerners and “Infidels,” who do not conform with a
Islam’s twisted view of the world continues, Muslim-on-Muslim crimes are also
on the rise.

yesterday in Pakistan, a 25-year-old woman was stoned to death by her cowardly father,
brothers, and extended family members, who ambushed her outside of a courthouse
for marrying the man she loved.

father said he did not regret this “honor killing” because his daughter shamed
the family by not consenting with them before she got married.

are approximately 1000 of these “honor killings” every year.

 This is the face and ugly truth about radical
Islam. Make no mistake about the evil’s of Islam. Depending on which version of
the Koran you read, “honor killings’ and other caveman-like teachings are
nothing more than blue prints for murder and a worldwide Islamic indoctrination.


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