Palestinian Journalist: Judaism Is A ‘Religion Of Hatred’ Worse Than Nazism

A close-up of a swastika symbol is shown painted on a memorial plaque on the wall of a syn
Uriel Sinai/Getty

TEL AVIV – Judaism is a “religion of hatred” that is more cruel than Nazism, a Palestinian columnist claimed in an anti-Semitic oped translated last week by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Writing in the Omani Al-Watan daily, Palestinian journalist Jawad Al-Bashiti, who resides in Jordan, wrote that Judaism “represents 3,000 years of hostility and hatred … toward mankind as a whole.”

“According to every criterion of human development and progress, cultural, ethical and scientific, especially in the 21st century, there is nothing worse than devotion, in theory and in practice, to the Jewish religion – the Torah and the Talmud – and there is nothing worse than when this devotion takes on a Zionist and political form,” Al-Bashiti wrote.

He falsely charged that Jews avoided assimilation by adopting a “culture of war” that is characterized by “beastliness and hostility toward non-Jews.”

The Jews “invented a god,” Al-Bashiti posited, and “‘Judaized’ the heavens so that they could Judaize the land, in other words, the land of the others, i.e. Palestine, which they saw in their Talmudic visions as the Promised Land.”

The Jews’ god is “angry, rapacious, cruel, hostile and vengeful,” the article, which was first published in August, reads.

“He commands them to usurp the lands of others, burn their cities and their fields, take over their property and kill even babies, children, women and newborns.”

The commandment “thou shalt not kill,” Al-Bashiti falsely wrote, only applies to the murder of fellow Jews.

“If these false delusions remain ‘alive’ in the minds and hearts of the new Israelis, it will be enough to make Nazism seem like nothing but a drop in the ocean of the Talmudic beastliness,” he concluded.


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