Thames Valley Police Seek ‘Asian’ Man After Teen Beaten, Sexually Assaulted

Thames Valley Police

Thames Valley Police are seeking an ‘Asian’ man after a teenage girl was beaten and sexually assaulted in Berkshire, England.

The young victim was grabbed from behind while walking along a footpath off Hyde End Lane in the village of Spencers Wood at around 7.30 p.m. on April 10th, the Reading Chronicle reports.

Police said the suspect appeared to be “Asian, aged in his late thirties to early forties, approximately 5 ft 7 ins to 5 ft 8 ins, of large build and had a round face. He had short dark-coloured hair which had some grey, stubble on his face and had a cut on his face between his lip and nose.”

He is said to have been wearing a light grey plain hooded top, matching tracksuit trousers, and a pair of black trainers.

“Detectives are working to identify and locate the offender,” said Detective Constable Clare Hickman, of the Investigation Hub based at Loddon Valley.

“I would like to speak to anyone who noticed anyone matching the description of the man in the area at around the time of the offence.

“I would particularly like to speak to anyone who recognises the person depicted in the E-Fit image.

“If you have any details which could assist with our enquiries, please contact police.”

The police are asking anyone who may have any information relating to the case, to call the 101 non-emergency line, quoting reference number 43180107097.

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