UK PM David Cameron to Let Citizens Vote to Leave EU

UK PM David Cameron to Let Citizens Vote to Leave EU

UK Prime Minister David Cameron is going to offer the British people a chance to vote on whether or not to remain within the European Union (EU).

Cameron’s personal opinion appears to be that it’s best for Great Britain to remain, but with crumbling economies throughout the EU, even some members of Cameron’s own party think staying within the federation is a mistake. 

They think the high degree of centralization within the union all but guarantees that other economically-challenged EU countries will eventually pull the British economy down with them. 

Of course, there is a political element to this measure. Cameron is going to make it clear that the opportunity to vote on this issue is predicated on his re-election in 2015. The vote to leave the EU won’t even occur until “the end of the first half of the next Parliament,” which would be “late 2017.”

This entire push is certain to be unsettling to investors, agents of trade, and nation’s within the EU who have buttressed their positions by leaning on the UK.


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