Egypt Pres: Muslim Brotherhood Is the ‘Godfather’ of Global Terrorism


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi sat down with the Washington Post for a wide-ranging interview, covering a plethora of issues in which his country remains deeply involved, including the struggle against the Muslim Brotherhood and global jihadi terrorism and Egypt’s promising relationship with the state of Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood is perhaps the greatest threat to the sovereignty of the Egyptian people, stressed el-Sisi. He added, “The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of extreme ideology. They are the godfather of all terrorist organizations. They spread it all over the world.”

“They consider that being on top is a means to apply their own mind-set, to establish a greater Islamic State,” el-Sisi said, explaining the danger behind the “political Islam” movement espoused by the Brotherhood. “They think that they have the absolute truth, so everybody must listen and obey. If anybody disagrees, then they should die.”

el-Sisi makes it quite clear that his country’s relationship with Israel has improved leaps and bounds from the prior Muslim Brotherhood administration under deposed President Mohamed Morsi.

As Egypt’s president, the Muslim Brotherhood leader blamed what he referred to as the Jewish-controlled media for supposedly distorting anti-Semitic comments he made about the Jewish people, in which he called Jews “bloodsuckers” who were the “descendants of apes and pigs.”

El-Sisi, on the other hand, said he speaks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “A lot.” The Egyptian president swore to continue to honor the long-standing peace treaty with Israel. The two countries’s relationship is improving, and the past “hostile mood and skepticism” on both sides “have diminished with peace with Israel,” he added.


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