Pamela Geller: Washington Post Praises Muslim ‘Camp Ramadan’ for Children

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Here again, another incredible piece of outrageous propaganda bordering on the absurd from the venerable Washington Post: “Muslim camps are spreading in the U.S. to help kids ‘be proud of who they are.’

Proud of what, exactly? The Muslim world is known primarily for the violence, bloodshed, creed apartheid, gender apartheid, and wholesale slaughter being perpetrated in the cause of Islam. Proud of that? By not addressing or even mentioning it, the Muslim “Camp Ramadan” – and the Washington Post – gives it sanction.

The Post article is painfully long and painfully boring. It is essentially an exercise in proselytizing for Islam. It even contains jaw-dropping paragraphs featuring Muslim children whining about the food that was served in public school while they were fasting. The last line of the article — “There are people who aren’t very religious at all, and they come to camp and they live Muslim” — is almost frightening. It sounds like a program for radicalization. How many Muslims who were not “not religious at all” and then became devout and “lived Muslim” went on to wage jihad?

The article tells us that “the 6- and 7-year-olds went on a hike to a nearby cave to learn about how the prophet Muhammad visited a cave outside of Mecca, where Islam teaches that he received the word of God.”

But clearly they aren’t mentioning his “greatest achievement,” the endless war campaigns he conducted to “spread Islam by the sword,” or his favorite wife, Aisha, a six-year-old girl. We’re told: “The youngest children, ages 3 to 5, learned about the animals of the Koran. (‘Old Mustafa had a farm,’ they sang at the last day’s assembly in a muddle of high-pitched, off-tempo toddler voices. ‘And on that farm he had some bees — with the blessing of Allaaaaah.’”)

But nothing about the Qur’anic texts and teachings that call for the subjugation of non-Muslims, the call for jihad wars, the devaluation of women’s testimony and inheritance rights, the command to beat disobedient women, the sanction for capturing non-Muslim women and making them sex slaves, etc.

Meanwhile, “the 12- to 16-year-olds met the Afghan American author Nadia Hashimi, who read them a passage from her new book, ‘One Half from the East,’ about an Afghan girl whose parents disguise her as a boy so that she can help provide for the family in a restrictive Afghan society.” The Post adds: “‘How do you think that makes girls feel?’ Hashimi asked the adolescents, prompting a discussion about gender equality, followed by an exercise in storytelling.”

Why not explain why that Afghan society is restrictive because they live under the sharia, which institutionalizes the oppression of women? Because in Islam, girls are chattel. Why not explain about the sanction Islam gives to female genital mutilation and honor killings?

Instead, the Post paints the rosiest possible picture: “The kids at Camp Ramadan come from a mix of Muslim families, Eldadah says. Some of the girls wear headscarves; others wear shorts and T-shirts. Some of their families attend the mosque regularly; others don’t go at all. But nearly every single one of the 12- to 16-year-olds this year is fasting.”

Then the Post quotes Chad Jones, whom it identifies as “a public affairs officer at U.S. Army Fort Meade and an administrator at the camp, where all three of his kids are all campers.” Jones says that the camp “allows them really to meld the best of America, the things that are more uniquely American, but at the same time keep and actually strengthen their Muslim identity.”

How does anything described in the Post’s article “meld”? Just the opposite. “Camp Ramadan” doesn’t address the wholesale slaughter that takes place during the “holy month” of Ramadan. “Camp Ramadan” never mentions the Ramadan bomb-athon across the world. Instead, “Camp Ramadan” makes fun of Donald Trump. “Camp Ramadan” teaches and encourages small children to mock and show utter contempt for the Republican presidential candidate. The article kicks off by describing a Muslim child mocking Donald Trump and misstating his positions: “I’m trying to make America great again by kicking out Mexicans, Muslims and African Americans.” Teaching children to publicly mock a presidential candidate would never be encouraged or made an activity at a Christian or Jewish camp.

Could you even imagine a similar Post article about little Jewish kids? Hindu kids? Scientologist kids? Seriously. The fact is that there is a war being waged by millions of Muslims against the non-Muslims, the secular Muslims, and apostates from Islam, and the death toll is almost incomprehensible. All in the name of Allah, all in the cause of jihad. That’s just a fact. These children don’t feel good about themselves? Nonsense. I constantly receive messages from parents whose children are bullied and harassed at schools by Muslim children. Especially Jewish kids. Why isn’t “Camp Ramadan” holding classes to teach against that?

Islam is the ultimate supremacist ideology — why reinforce that? Moving into the future as this war continues to escalate and get even bloodier, why not institute programs to teach against the Qur’an verses and other Islamic texts that are fueling and inspiring a worldwide bloody conflict?

The Washington Post and Jeff Bezos should be ashamed of themselves.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.


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