Pete Buttigieg Warns of Spike in ‘Unplanned Parenthood’ Under Trump

Democratic presidential candidate South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaks at a campaign eve
AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Mayor Pete Buttigieg warned Americans in Maine Thursday of a spike in unplanned pregnancies under President Donald Trump’s administration.

Buttigieg criticized Trump’s new restrictions on federal Title X funding, prompting Planned Parenthood to withdraw from the program entirely.

“These people who are attacking Planned Parenthood, I wonder if they’ve thought about how much unplanned parenthood they’re going to create if we let them,” he said at an event for supporters in Maine.

Planned Parenthood still receives more than $500 million in taxpayer funding annually, despite Trump’s restrictions on Title X funding.

Buttigieg, who described himself as a “feminist,” urged other men to join him by defending a woman’s unrestricted right to abortion.

“As women lead the fight for their reproductive freedom, it is also vitally important for men to be standing shoulder to shoulder with those women as feminists,” he said.

Buttigieg believes that there should be no restrictions on abortion, leaving it up to women to draw the moral line of when they should be able to kill their unborn child.

“I think the dialogue has gotten so caught up on when you draw the line that we’ve gotten away from the fundamental question of who gets to draw the line,” he said during a Fox News town hall in May. “And I trust women to draw the line.”


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