anti racism

Bokhari: Newsflash to Google – ‘Diversity’ Departments Attract Racists

Google might be the most race-obsessed company in America — and that’s saying a lot given that America is the most race-obsessed country in the world. Yet I suspect its leadership is clueless enough to be surprised that open encouragement of race-obsession (or “diversity and equity” obsession, as they would insist on calling it) attracts racist employees.

Noogler Hat for new Google employees

BBC: Are Chopsticks Racist?

“Are food bloggers fuelling racist stereotypes”, asks the BBC in a headline on its news website, the article highlighting concern about “microaggressions” in food media.


Nationalist Vs. Hard Left Showdown Over Migrants Planned In Dover

An alliance of nationalist groups is planning a demonstration in Dover this weekend, dubbed “Stop the Fakeugees and Gimmigrants”. They will be met by numerous ‘Anti-Fascists’ and ‘Anti-Racist’ groups – hard left protesters with equally, if not more violent histories. The event will be
