Earned Income Tax Credit

Ivanka, Donald Trump To Roll Out New Childcare, Maternity Leave Policy For Moms In Pennsylvania

Trump has laid out a series of detailed policy platforms he says are designed to help all Americans. In recent weeks, the GOP nominee for president has presented ideas on foreign policy, trade policy, immigration policy, education policy, tax policy and military policy. In suburban Philadelphia, Trump will roll out a policy plan designed to help middle and working class mothers better afford childcare.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 21: on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention on July

Jerry Brown Sending Checks to Poor During 2016 Presidential Primaries

Long-shot presidential candidate Governor Jerry Brown offered to have California tax-payers double the federal Earned Income Tax Credit for many Californians this week. Though the credit is considered by the IRS Inspector General to have an “improper payment rate” of 22 to 26 percent, Brown wants to give away an additional $380 million in state funds to deflect what Breitbart News has reported as the fact that “California might be 7th Largest Economy, but is 1st in Poverty.”

Jerry Brown (Rich Pedroncelli : Associated Press)