China Threatens EMP Attack in South China Sea

Chinese state media on Tuesday rather unsubtly decided this would be a good time to chat with a panel of “experts” about the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) against American ships that enter portions of the South China Sea illegally claimed by Beijing. The timing suggests it was a bit of saber-rattling by a Communist Party nervous about its power and prestige after the Wuhan virus disaster, but some degree of escalation in the South China Sea has long been a concern for the U.S. Navy and ships from across the free world.

Crewmen of the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt prepare their aircraft Tuesday, Ap

Report: U.S. Falls Behind in Electromagnetic Warfare

Just how fragile is the amazing high-tech world we have created? According to the worst of worst-case estimates, delivered by former cyber-security CEO John McAfee, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strike against our technology could kill 90 percent of the American population.

The Associated Press

Saving America

Never in my lifetime, did I believe I would witness our great country being taken down and withdrawn from our world leadership role by our own administration.  The latest example is the flawed agreement with Iran on their nuclear weapons
