Fareed Zakaria - Page 2

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: Trump ‘Has Succeeded by Bullsh-tting’

[WARNING: Adult language] Friday on “CNN Tonight,” network host Fareed Zakaria said President Donald Trump has succeeded by “bullshitting.” Zakaria said, “I think the president is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false. He has spent his whole

Fareed Zakaria

Plagiarist Fareed Zakaria Celebrates: White People are Dying and Trump Can’t Save You!

Citing a study that shows Middle American whites are dying in increasing numbers, like a twisted and bitter eugenicist, serial-plagiarist Fareed Zakaria doesn’t even attempt to contain his glee. By painting those who are supposedly dying as useless, drug-addicted ragers, he paints a picture of a weak, angry, and ultimately stupid ethnic group getting what it deserves.

AP Photo/Charles Sykes