Michael Cargill

GRAPHIC: Anti-Gun Activists Send Grotesque Gun Victim Christmas Cards

Conservatives, gun store owners, and Second Amendment activists are receiving “Christmas Cards” from anti-gun advocates that include graphic photos of victims who have received gunshots to the face. The Christmas card includes the Bible verse, “The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked. And the one who loves violence His soul hates.”

Betsy Riot

‘It’s Never Enough’ says Austin Police Chief about Gun Rights Supporters

On May 7, the Austin-American Statesman posted video of Austin, Texas, gun store owner Michael Cargill supporting the drive to make Texas the 45th “open carry” state in the union. The video also featured Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo complaining that gun-rights advocates are never satisfied – no matter what laws are passed, or defeated, “it’s never enough” for them.

Art Acevedo - Fox 7 Screenshot