Salon - Page 2

5 Times the Far-Left Mocked and Criticized Now Deceased Otto Warmbier

The sorrowful reaction to Otto Warmbier’s death on Monday was not universal. Many from across the political spectrum, including the president, voiced their support for Warmbier and his family throughout his ordeal at the hands of North Korea. However, a small, yet vocal, cohort on the left were amused at the American’s misfortune. In some cases, they defended North Korea for punishing Warmbier. A general narrative condemning white male privilege emerged from those in the far-left justifying Warmbier’s punishment for stealing a North Korean propaganda poster.

The Associated Press

New York Governor Cuomo Just Caused Some BDS Hysteria

Last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an Executive Order No. 157, directing state agencies to divest public funds from companies and organizations aligned with the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the State of Israel.

Anti-Israel demonstrators march behind a banner of the BDS organization in Marseille, June

Salon: Paris Was Wearing A Short Skirt

We have only ourselves to blame for the Paris outrage, Salon has argued, again – just in case it failed to offend enough people the first time it salivated over the ISIS atrocity as payback time for the West and


Here’s Why the Progressive Left Keeps Sticking Up for Pedophiles

Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.

Matthew Lewis/Getty Images

Paglia: Trump Funnier Than Jon Stewart

In part one of our three-day conversation with Camille Paglia, the brilliant cultural critic talked Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton and the odd, persistent return of ’90s political correctness. Today she takes on even hotter-button topics: Religion and atheism, Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” legacy, liberals and Fox News, and presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.


Salon: Animals Are People Too

Salon has brilliantly presented the argument that animals should be considered people, positing that the antiquated notion of a line of demarcation between humans and animals should be discarded.
