U.S. Department of Education - Page 2

Google Partners with Federal Education Department to Mine Private Student Data

“It doesn’t take undercover investigative journalists to unmask the massive privacy invasion enabled by educational technology and federal mandates,” conservative author and CRTV host Michelle Malkin wrote at National Reviewin April. “The kiddie data heist is happening out in the open — with Washington politicians and bureaucrats as brazen co-conspirators.”

Google Play for Education

Trump Administration Proposes Merging Education and Labor Departments

“Rather than equip an individual to pursue whatever goal he sets for himself as part of his God-given freedom, this is, instead, the German model being pushed by misguided business interests and some state interests,” she explained. “As a result, the type of education an individual would receive would be influenced by crony corporations dictating to schools the skills needed for future workers.”

Betsy DeVos Scolds

Trump Directs DeVos to Enforce Local Control of Education

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that directed U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to review federal regulations that infringe upon state and local governments’ ability to enact education policy at the level closest to the American people.

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