Tommy Thompson: Wisconsin 'Is The Epicenter' Of Politics This Election Cycle

Tommy Thompson: Wisconsin 'Is The Epicenter' Of Politics This Election Cycle

At the Racine Tea Party get out the vote rally Saturday, Breitbart News interviewed Governor Tommy Thompson (R) about his race for U.S. Senate against Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D), after he fired up the crowd with a rousing speech. Thompson, who debated Baldwin Friday night said, he “thought the debate went extremely well” and was very pleased to hear the response after the debate. He also said the energy around the state is “on our side, the enthusiasm is for the Republicans,” pointing to the thousands of Tea Partiers that would come out to a rally on a Saturday, ten days before an election as evidence. Wisconsin, he said, “is the epicenter” of politics, electing him, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan, will change all of America, being able to say goodbye to Harry Reid, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.


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